'Transforming AI' speaker Mercer at Sonoma State February 10

January 30, 2025
Shelton Mercer III headshot

Shelton Mercer III

Shelton Mercer III, an award-winning entrepreneur, innovation pioneer, and humanitarian, will be the featured speaker for “Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue: Transforming AI through Authentic Ingenuity” at 7 p.m. Monday, February 10 in Sonoma State’s Student Center. The profound impact Artificial Intelligence is having on our world and everyday lives will be discussed at the event, which is free and open to the public.

“We will delve into the societal, economic and ethical influences of AI and highlight ways it is being harnessed to transform humanity’s present and future,” Mercer said. 

Mercer created miOS™ (Mercer Innovation Outcomes System), an operating system designed to automate, integrate, and visualize any device, service, or app. MiOS has co-created and/or powered innovation hubs like the University of Pennsylvania’s Pennovation Works & Center and the 16 Tech Innovation District, a 50-acre live/work/play campus in Indianapolis. 

He is the founder of The Mercer Advisory Group, which includes Mercer Innovation and Virtuous Innovation™. Among its initiatives is iBCU™ (Innovation with Black Collegians and Universities), the goal of which is “to equip and empower the next generation of Black innovators and entrepreneurs and establish or enhance transformative innovation places, platforms, and programs at Historically Black College and University (HBCU) campuses nationwide.” 

An award-winning humanitarian, Mercer has spearheaded aid and fundraising missions to address natural disasters, including the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, and the Japan tsunami. One of the original founders of data activation, curation and identity platform Audigent, he recently sold the company to Experian. Audigent is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Experian.

Event details:
Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue
7 p.m. Monday, February 10
SSU Student Center Ballroom A
Livestream link:  https://sonomastate.zoom.us/j/89364570847

The Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue series was designed to encourage open and honest dialogue in order to reduce barriers and misperceptions, to connect the needs of the community while fostering a more inclusive law enforcement community environment, and to provide thoughtful insight into ongoing efforts in our communities that hold promise for real substantive and sustainable change.